Reputation should be your top priority

Reputation should be your top priority

Reputation should be your top priority Comments by Jasmine Hogg   “We can afford to lose money – even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation – even a shred of reputation.” When Warren Buffet sent that memo to employees at Berkshire...
Honesty builds trust

Honesty builds trust

Honesty builds trust Comments by Luke Dean   Why smart businesses are embracing transparency. Convinced I was paying too much for sneakers, I searched my smartphone’s internet browser for ‘cheap flat sole sneakers’ as I waited for my train. The search...
Freedom is anchored to a free press

Freedom is anchored to a free press

Freedom is anchored to a free press Comments by Adam Connolly   Yesterday’s unprecedented collaboration by the nation’s major news outlets in devoting their front pages, and TV and radio broadcasts, to media freedom shows how serious the issue has...