Show us you care

Show us you care

Show us you care Comments by Belinda Toward   I’m calling it early. The theme for corporate reputation in 2020 will be ‘caring’. The narrative for corporate reputation in 2019 was undoubtedly shaped around ‘trust’. It was the fallout from the exposé of...
How ‘kids these days’ stay informed

How ‘kids these days’ stay informed

How ‘kids these days’ stay informed Comments by Amelia Stubley   How do younger Australians digest the daily headlines with their avo toast? Let’s break down some of the latest news consumption habits of Millennials and how to target their digital...
Engaging social media for your business

Engaging social media for your business

Engaging social media for your business Comments by Irina Kamychnikova   Can you believe Facebook launched 10 years ago? Twitter started 13 years ago, AND it’s already been nine years of Instagram. I’m not even going to mention how old Myspace is…...