Is media training really necessary?

Is media training really necessary?

Is media training really necessary? Comments by Amelia Stubley   Media training is sometimes regarded as a way for powerful people to learn how to avoid legitimate public scrutiny. But it is increasingly being used to help good people convey important...
How ‘kids these days’ stay informed

How ‘kids these days’ stay informed

How ‘kids these days’ stay informed Comments by Amelia Stubley   How do younger Australians digest the daily headlines with their avo toast? Let’s break down some of the latest news consumption habits of Millennials and how to target their digital...
When is it OK to go off script?

When is it OK to go off script?

When is it OK to go off script? Comments by Jasmine Hogg   Prince Andrew’s public relations scandal colliding with the release of The Crown Season 3 was surely enough to make Alanis Morrisette’s ears prick up. It’s ironic (don’t you think?) that Queen...
This shout-out goes to…

This shout-out goes to…

This shout-out goes to… Comments by Belinda Toward   You may have heard about personalised video shout-outs – where you pay a celebrity to record a tailored video message as a gift for someone. Maybe you’ve even received one or know someone who...
How BoJo used PR to Climb to the Top

How BoJo used PR to Climb to the Top

How BoJo used PR to Climb to the Top Comments by Georgina Hall   In recent weeks we’ve seen the journalist-come-politician Boris Johnson win the Conservative party’s leadership contest to become the UK’s Prime Minister. He has made an unlikely comeback...